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[As Seen On Fortune Indonesia] Conrad Bali marks Earth Day with Expanded Environmental Initiatives

[As Seen On Fortune Indonesia] Conrad Bali marks Earth Day with Expanded Environmental Initiatives

Hace 1 día
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[As Seen On コスギ スイッチON!] 子どもたちの未来がより良くなるために今できること

[As Seen On コスギ スイッチON!] 子どもたちの未来がより良くなるために今できること

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[As Seen on The Punch] Waste to Resource: ChopValue's Circular Economy Model

[As Seen on The Punch] Waste to Resource: ChopValue's Circular Economy Model

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[As Seen on Story Kawasaki] ChopValue Japanとパートナーシップを締結いたしました

[As Seen on Story Kawasaki] ChopValue Japanとパートナーシップを締結いたしました

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[As Seen on InBC Investment Corp] 2024 Highlights: A Year Investing in B.C. Businesses featuring ChopValue

[As Seen on InBC Investment Corp] 2024 Highlights: A Year Investing in B.C. Businesses featuring ChopValue

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[As Seen on IDEAS FOR GOOD] 赤坂からサーキュラーシティを描く。地域内で資源循環を生む実例にみる、日本の現在地【イベントレポ】

[As Seen on IDEAS FOR GOOD] 赤坂からサーキュラーシティを描く。地域内で資源循環を生む実例にみる、日本の現在地【イベントレポ】

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[As Seen on good news for you] Aus Essstäbchen werden hochwertige Möbel

[As Seen on good news for you] Aus Essstäbchen werden hochwertige Möbel

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[As Seen on Ridwell] 2024 Ridwell gift guide

[As Seen on Ridwell] 2024 Ridwell gift guide

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[As Seen on  Canadian Geographic] Winter charm along Calgary’s trails with ChopValue YYC

[As Seen on Canadian Geographic] Winter charm along Calgary’s trails with ChopValue YYC

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[As Seen on ArchDaily] Building the Future with Bamboo: Interviews with Bamboo U and ChopValue

[As Seen on ArchDaily] Building the Future with Bamboo: Interviews with Bamboo U and ChopValue

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[As Seen on Recycling Startups] Top 10 wood recycling startups

[As Seen on Recycling Startups] Top 10 wood recycling startups

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[As Seen on Sohu] 回顾我们不要的一次性筷子,被外国公司回收,制成书桌椅子年入百万

[As Seen on Sohu] 回顾我们不要的一次性筷子,被外国公司回收,制成书桌椅子年入百万

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[As Seen on Global News] Shaping BC: Growing the Clean Economy

[As Seen on Global News] Shaping BC: Growing the Clean Economy

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[As Seen on Techcouver] ChopValue Featured Among Half of Canada’s Most Investable Cleantech Ventures Calling B.C. Home in the 2024 Foresight 50

[As Seen on Techcouver] ChopValue Featured Among Half of Canada’s Most Investable Cleantech Ventures Calling B.C. Home in the 2024 Foresight 50

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[As Seen on NewSphere] 使用済み割り箸がオシャレな家具に 海外発リサイクル工場が川崎にも

[As Seen on NewSphere] 使用済み割り箸がオシャレな家具に 海外発リサイクル工場が川崎にも

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[As Seen on BNN Bloomberg] ChopValue's  Strategic Partnership, Purebread Brands is baking success in the culinary world

[As Seen on BNN Bloomberg] ChopValue's Strategic Partnership, Purebread Brands is baking success in the culinary world

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[As Seen on Newsweek ニューズウィーク日本版] カナダ発、再利用しづらい竹の割り箸をアップサイクルするスタートアップが日本に上陸

[As Seen on Newsweek ニューズウィーク日本版] カナダ発、再利用しづらい竹の割り箸をアップサイクルするスタートアップが日本に上陸

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[As Seen on Material District] A Restaurant Interior Made of Recycled Chopsticks

[As Seen on Material District] A Restaurant Interior Made of Recycled Chopsticks

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[As Seen on Resource Tech Hub by Recotech] 割り箸のアップサイクルを手がけるChopValueが東京に初のフラッグシップ・マイクロファクトリーをオープン。今秋より稼働開始予定

[As Seen on Resource Tech Hub by Recotech] 割り箸のアップサイクルを手がけるChopValueが東京に初のフラッグシップ・マイクロファクトリーをオープン。今秋より稼働開始予定

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[As Seen on Microsoft Start] This Sustainability Startup Just Raised Cash to Convert Chopsticks into Tabletops

[As Seen on Microsoft Start] This Sustainability Startup Just Raised Cash to Convert Chopsticks into Tabletops

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[As Seen on T-Net] ChopValue Secures First Flagship Microfactory in Tokyo, Japanese Operations to Commence This Fall

[As Seen on T-Net] ChopValue Secures First Flagship Microfactory in Tokyo, Japanese Operations to Commence This Fall

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[As Seen on ASIATODAY.ID] Indonesia Explores Collaboration with Canada to Develop a Clean Technology

[As Seen on ASIATODAY.ID] Indonesia Explores Collaboration with Canada to Develop a Clean Technology

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[As Seen on Yahoo Finance] Purebread Announces Strategic Partnerships with ChopValue and Greater Vancouver Board of Trade

[As Seen on Yahoo Finance] Purebread Announces Strategic Partnerships with ChopValue and Greater Vancouver Board of Trade

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[As Seen on GeekWire] ChopValue Just Raised Cash to Convert Chopsticks into Tabletops

[As Seen on GeekWire] ChopValue Just Raised Cash to Convert Chopsticks into Tabletops

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[As Seen on 世界は今 -JETRO Global Eye] 外国企業が目を付けたニッポン

[As Seen on 世界は今 -JETRO Global Eye] 外国企業が目を付けたニッポン

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[As Seen on Techcouver] B.C. Invests in ChopValue to ‘Set New Standard of Responsible Manufacturing’ with Circular Solutions

[As Seen on Techcouver] B.C. Invests in ChopValue to ‘Set New Standard of Responsible Manufacturing’ with Circular Solutions

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[As Seen on QSR Media] Wagamama's ‘Most Sustainable’ Restaurant Features Furniture Made from Chopsticks

[As Seen on QSR Media] Wagamama's ‘Most Sustainable’ Restaurant Features Furniture Made from Chopsticks

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[As Seen on Babson College] From Chopsticks to Robots: Discover the Surprises of Babson’s HELV

[As Seen on Babson College] From Chopsticks to Robots: Discover the Surprises of Babson’s HELV

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[As Seen on BetaKit] ChopValue Picks Up Additional $4 Million CAD

[As Seen on BetaKit] ChopValue Picks Up Additional $4 Million CAD

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[As Seen on Daily Hive] Locally Made Standing Desks for Back-To-School with EFFYDESK and ChopValue

[As Seen on Daily Hive] Locally Made Standing Desks for Back-To-School with EFFYDESK and ChopValue

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[As Seen on Patch] ChopValue Boston Featured at Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation's New Exhibit

[As Seen on Patch] ChopValue Boston Featured at Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation's New Exhibit

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[As Seen on Noticias En La Mira] ChopValue México Busca Transformar 15 Millones De Palillos En Muebles Sustentables

[As Seen on Noticias En La Mira] ChopValue México Busca Transformar 15 Millones De Palillos En Muebles Sustentables

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[As Seen on El Heraldo de México] Modelo sostenible Cada vez son más las empresas que desde su nacimiento desarrollan estrategias

[As Seen on El Heraldo de México] Modelo sostenible Cada vez son más las empresas que desde su nacimiento desarrollan estrategias

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[As Seen on  Morningstar] Introducing RENEW by TRINITY: A Sustainable Housewares Brand Revolutionizing Home Design with Reclaimed Bamboo Chopsticks

[As Seen on Morningstar] Introducing RENEW by TRINITY: A Sustainable Housewares Brand Revolutionizing Home Design with Reclaimed Bamboo Chopsticks

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[As Seen on Life After Football] The English Footballer Who Turns Used Chopsticks Into Furniture

[As Seen on Life After Football] The English Footballer Who Turns Used Chopsticks Into Furniture

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[As Seen on Earth911] Recycle Chopsticks With ChopValue

[As Seen on Earth911] Recycle Chopsticks With ChopValue

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