[As Seen on Resource Tech Hub by Recotech] 割り箸のアップサイクルを手がけるChopValueが東京に初のフラッグシップ・マイクロファクトリーをオープン。今秋より稼働開始予定
Il y a 4 jours
[As Seen on Microsoft Start] This Sustainability Startup Just Raised Cash to Convert Chopsticks into Tabletops
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[As Seen on T-Net] ChopValue Secures First Flagship Microfactory in Tokyo, Japanese Operations to Commence This Fall
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[As Seen on ASIATODAY.ID] Indonesia Explores Collaboration with Canada to Develop a Clean Technology
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[As Seen on Yahoo Finance] Purebread Announces Strategic Partnerships with ChopValue and Greater Vancouver Board of Trade
Il y a 14 jours