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[As Seen On Punto!] Beyond Earth Hour: Ayala Malls’ year-round water and waste management solutions

[As Seen On Punto!] Beyond Earth Hour: Ayala Malls’ year-round water and waste management solutions

Il y a 6 jours
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[As Seen On Jetro] 割りばしのアップサイクルに取り組むカナダ企業ChopValueが東京都に日本法人を設立

[As Seen On Jetro] 割りばしのアップサイクルに取り組むカナダ企業ChopValueが東京都に日本法人を設立

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[As Seen On Creative Salon] Extra Time with Nature: Footballers Take a Timeout to Reconnect with the Outdoors

[As Seen On Creative Salon] Extra Time with Nature: Footballers Take a Timeout to Reconnect with the Outdoors

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[As Seen On コスギ スイッチON!] 子どもたちの未来がより良くなるために今できること

[As Seen On コスギ スイッチON!] 子どもたちの未来がより良くなるために今できること

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Milestone with Marugame Udon Canada

Milestone with Marugame Udon Canada

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MVP Group Expands ChopValue Concept with New Design & Millwork Microfactory, Strengthening B2B Full-Service Capabilities

MVP Group Expands ChopValue Concept with New Design & Millwork Microfactory, Strengthening B2B Full-Service Capabilities

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Building America’s Future: A Reflection of The ChopValue U.S. Partner Network

Building America’s Future: A Reflection of The ChopValue U.S. Partner Network

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We’ve Recycled 200 Million Chopsticks 🥢

We’ve Recycled 200 Million Chopsticks 🥢

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Building Better: How Sustainable Materials Can Help Your Project Achieve LEED Excellence

Building Better: How Sustainable Materials Can Help Your Project Achieve LEED Excellence

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[As Seen on The Punch] Waste to Resource: ChopValue's Circular Economy Model

[As Seen on The Punch] Waste to Resource: ChopValue's Circular Economy Model

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ChopValue Announces East Coast Expansion into New York City, Growing Its Local Manufacturing Network in the U.S.

ChopValue Announces East Coast Expansion into New York City, Growing Its Local Manufacturing Network in the U.S.

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[As Seen on Story Kawasaki] ChopValue Japanとパートナーシップを締結いたしました

[As Seen on Story Kawasaki] ChopValue Japanとパートナーシップを締結いたしました

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[As Seen on InBC Investment Corp] 2024 Highlights: A Year Investing in B.C. Businesses featuring ChopValue

[As Seen on InBC Investment Corp] 2024 Highlights: A Year Investing in B.C. Businesses featuring ChopValue

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Year End Reflection: Our Global 2024 Impact

Year End Reflection: Our Global 2024 Impact

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[As Seen on IDEAS FOR GOOD] 赤坂からサーキュラーシティを描く。地域内で資源循環を生む実例にみる、日本の現在地【イベントレポ】

[As Seen on IDEAS FOR GOOD] 赤坂からサーキュラーシティを描く。地域内で資源循環を生む実例にみる、日本の現在地【イベントレポ】

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ChopValue Japan Taps Local Talent Through STORY Inc. for Chopstick Recycling Program

ChopValue Japan Taps Local Talent Through STORY Inc. for Chopstick Recycling Program

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[As Seen on good news for you] Aus Essstäbchen werden hochwertige Möbel

[As Seen on good news for you] Aus Essstäbchen werden hochwertige Möbel

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[As Seen on Ridwell] 2024 Ridwell gift guide

[As Seen on Ridwell] 2024 Ridwell gift guide

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[As Seen on  Canadian Geographic] Winter charm along Calgary’s trails with ChopValue YYC

[As Seen on Canadian Geographic] Winter charm along Calgary’s trails with ChopValue YYC

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[As Seen on ArchDaily] Building the Future with Bamboo: Interviews with Bamboo U and ChopValue

[As Seen on ArchDaily] Building the Future with Bamboo: Interviews with Bamboo U and ChopValue

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[As Seen on Recycling Startups] Top 10 wood recycling startups

[As Seen on Recycling Startups] Top 10 wood recycling startups

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[As Seen on Sohu] 回顾我们不要的一次性筷子,被外国公司回收,制成书桌椅子年入百万

[As Seen on Sohu] 回顾我们不要的一次性筷子,被外国公司回收,制成书桌椅子年入百万

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[As Seen on Global News] Shaping BC: Growing the Clean Economy

[As Seen on Global News] Shaping BC: Growing the Clean Economy

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[As Seen on Techcouver] ChopValue Featured Among Half of Canada’s Most Investable Cleantech Ventures Calling B.C. Home in the 2024 Foresight 50

[As Seen on Techcouver] ChopValue Featured Among Half of Canada’s Most Investable Cleantech Ventures Calling B.C. Home in the 2024 Foresight 50

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[As Seen on NewSphere] 使用済み割り箸がオシャレな家具に 海外発リサイクル工場が川崎にも

[As Seen on NewSphere] 使用済み割り箸がオシャレな家具に 海外発リサイクル工場が川崎にも

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ChopValue Japan Joins Kawasaki’s Eco-Tech Fair for Circular Innovation

ChopValue Japan Joins Kawasaki’s Eco-Tech Fair for Circular Innovation

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[As Seen on BNN Bloomberg] ChopValue's  Strategic Partnership, Purebread Brands is baking success in the culinary world

[As Seen on BNN Bloomberg] ChopValue's Strategic Partnership, Purebread Brands is baking success in the culinary world

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ChopValue Named Among Canada’s Most Investible Cleantech Ventures in Foresight 50 List

ChopValue Named Among Canada’s Most Investible Cleantech Ventures in Foresight 50 List

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[As Seen on Newsweek ニューズウィーク日本版] カナダ発、再利用しづらい竹の割り箸をアップサイクルするスタートアップが日本に上陸

[As Seen on Newsweek ニューズウィーク日本版] カナダ発、再利用しづらい竹の割り箸をアップサイクルするスタートアップが日本に上陸

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ChopValue Expands Southeast Asia Operations to Johor, Malaysia, Strengthening Circular Manufacturing Capabilities in the Region

ChopValue Expands Southeast Asia Operations to Johor, Malaysia, Strengthening Circular Manufacturing Capabilities in the Region

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ChopValue Manila Begins Operations of First Microfactory, Driving Circular Innovation in the Philippines

ChopValue Manila Begins Operations of First Microfactory, Driving Circular Innovation in the Philippines

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[As Seen on The Executive Magazine] From Chopsticks to Chic: Tom Davies Pioneers Sustainable Furniture Revolution

[As Seen on The Executive Magazine] From Chopsticks to Chic: Tom Davies Pioneers Sustainable Furniture Revolution

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[As Seen on Sag Die Wahrheit] Gladiatorin und Essstäbchen-Möbeldesigner, Felix Böck

[As Seen on Sag Die Wahrheit] Gladiatorin und Essstäbchen-Möbeldesigner, Felix Böck

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[As Seen on Insider Media] Football Star Among Latest 42 Under 42s - Ranking Looks At Up and Coming Talent with ChopValue UK

[As Seen on Insider Media] Football Star Among Latest 42 Under 42s - Ranking Looks At Up and Coming Talent with ChopValue UK

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[As Seen on Accommod8u] Steps Towards a Greener Future, One Chopstick at A Time

[As Seen on Accommod8u] Steps Towards a Greener Future, One Chopstick at A Time

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[As Seen on Material District] A Restaurant Interior Made of Recycled Chopsticks

[As Seen on Material District] A Restaurant Interior Made of Recycled Chopsticks

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