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Microfactories are the Future of Manufacturing

Microfactories are the Future of Manufacturing

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[As Seen on Woodworking Network] ChopValue Celebrates Repurposing 150 Million Chopsticks

[As Seen on Woodworking Network] ChopValue Celebrates Repurposing 150 Million Chopsticks

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Celebrating 150 Million Chopsticks Recycled With Our Global Community

Celebrating 150 Million Chopsticks Recycled With Our Global Community

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[As Seen on VEGAS INC] 40 Under 40: Brooks Smith, President, ChopValue Las Vegas

[As Seen on VEGAS INC] 40 Under 40: Brooks Smith, President, ChopValue Las Vegas

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TRINITY Debuts RENEW, a Sustainability-First Housewares Brand Utilizing ChopValue Technology at The Inspired Home Show

TRINITY Debuts RENEW, a Sustainability-First Housewares Brand Utilizing ChopValue Technology at The Inspired Home Show

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EFFYDESK Commits to Circular Local Manufacturing with New ChopValue Microfactory Operation in Toronto East

EFFYDESK Commits to Circular Local Manufacturing with New ChopValue Microfactory Operation in Toronto East

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[As Seen on PC Gamer] The Best Sustainable Gaming Desk in 2024 - Fnatic X ChopValue Revive Pro

[As Seen on PC Gamer] The Best Sustainable Gaming Desk in 2024 - Fnatic X ChopValue Revive Pro

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ChopValue Announces Grand Opening of its Corporate Microfactory in Toronto To Better Serve The Canadian Market From Coast to Coast

ChopValue Announces Grand Opening of its Corporate Microfactory in Toronto To Better Serve The Canadian Market From Coast to Coast

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[As Seen on TechRadar] The Best Wooden Gaming Desk in 2024 - ChopValue X Fnatic Revive Pro

[As Seen on TechRadar] The Best Wooden Gaming Desk in 2024 - ChopValue X Fnatic Revive Pro

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[As Seen on The Straits Times] Meet the Company Turning Used Chopsticks into Eco-Friendly Furniture

[As Seen on The Straits Times] Meet the Company Turning Used Chopsticks into Eco-Friendly Furniture

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[As Seen on BNN Breaking] ChopValue Singapore: The Unlikely Hero in the Fight Against Waste and Carbon Emissions

[As Seen on BNN Breaking] ChopValue Singapore: The Unlikely Hero in the Fight Against Waste and Carbon Emissions

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[As Seen on The Weather Channel] Chopsticks From the Landfill to Your Living Room

[As Seen on The Weather Channel] Chopsticks From the Landfill to Your Living Room

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[As Seen on Daily Hive] Marugame Udon Opening First Canadian Location, with ChopValue Interior Features

[As Seen on Daily Hive] Marugame Udon Opening First Canadian Location, with ChopValue Interior Features

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[As Seen on Sky Sports] Playing for the Planet: How Sustainability Concerns Led Tom Davies to Turn to Veg

[As Seen on Sky Sports] Playing for the Planet: How Sustainability Concerns Led Tom Davies to Turn to Veg

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[As Seen on Food & Wine] Your Used Chopsticks Are Getting a Second Life

[As Seen on Food & Wine] Your Used Chopsticks Are Getting a Second Life

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[As Seen on KLAS-TV] Used chopsticks find second lives in Las Vegas

[As Seen on KLAS-TV] Used chopsticks find second lives in Las Vegas

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ChopValue Announces Accelerated Positive Expansion in Southeast Asia, Signing Multi-Unit Deal for 10 Microfactories in the Philippines

ChopValue Announces Accelerated Positive Expansion in Southeast Asia, Signing Multi-Unit Deal for 10 Microfactories in the Philippines

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[As Seen on La Razón] ChopValue Mexico, que en México dirige Arturo Katz, con su meta de reciclar 8 millones de palillos y convertirlos en muebles para finales de 2023

[As Seen on La Razón] ChopValue Mexico, que en México dirige Arturo Katz, con su meta de reciclar 8 millones de palillos y convertirlos en muebles para finales de 2023

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[As Seen on NSS Magazine] Tom Davies has decided to take sides as an individual, founding ChopValue UK, and creating a circular economy

[As Seen on NSS Magazine] Tom Davies has decided to take sides as an individual, founding ChopValue UK, and creating a circular economy

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[As Seen on The Edge Singapore] ChopValue Singapore transforms waste into stylish lifestyle products through the creative use of the humble chopstick

[As Seen on The Edge Singapore] ChopValue Singapore transforms waste into stylish lifestyle products through the creative use of the humble chopstick

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[As Seen on Wood Industry] ChopValue and Trotec Laser: Pioneering Sustainable Innovations in the Wood Industry

[As Seen on Wood Industry] ChopValue and Trotec Laser: Pioneering Sustainable Innovations in the Wood Industry

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[As Seen on Portfolio] Evelyn Hew, ChopValue SG Featured in Forecast 2024: Worth the Risk.

[As Seen on Portfolio] Evelyn Hew, ChopValue SG Featured in Forecast 2024: Worth the Risk.

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KIAN Partners with ChopValue to Bring Decentralized Manufacturing for B2B Circular Furniture to Malaysia

KIAN Partners with ChopValue to Bring Decentralized Manufacturing for B2B Circular Furniture to Malaysia

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[As Seen on Global News] Giving chopsticks a second life

[As Seen on Global News] Giving chopsticks a second life

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[As Seen on Corporate Knights] Head of Sustainability Sabrina Kon Featured in Fired up: Meet 30 Youth Leaders Sparking Change

[As Seen on Corporate Knights] Head of Sustainability Sabrina Kon Featured in Fired up: Meet 30 Youth Leaders Sparking Change

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[As Seen on Global News Radio 980 CKNW] Have you ever wondered what happened to the chopsticks we threw away? Some of those chopsticks can be art or even furniture

[As Seen on Global News Radio 980 CKNW] Have you ever wondered what happened to the chopsticks we threw away? Some of those chopsticks can be art or even furniture

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[As Seen On CNA 93.8FM] Made in Singapore: ChopValue Singapore collects disposable chopsticks from all around Singapore and makes them into new products

[As Seen On CNA 93.8FM] Made in Singapore: ChopValue Singapore collects disposable chopsticks from all around Singapore and makes them into new products

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[As Seen on Alvinology Media] ChopValue And Leading Real Estate Firms Join Forces To Recycle 12 Million Chopsticks!

[As Seen on Alvinology Media] ChopValue And Leading Real Estate Firms Join Forces To Recycle 12 Million Chopsticks!

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ChopValue Indonesia Celebrates Grand Opening of Flagship Microfactory in Bali

ChopValue Indonesia Celebrates Grand Opening of Flagship Microfactory in Bali

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[As Seen on Die Sprachzeitung] RECYCLING Das Unternehmen ChopValue macht aus gebrauchten Essstäbchen Möbel

[As Seen on Die Sprachzeitung] RECYCLING Das Unternehmen ChopValue macht aus gebrauchten Essstäbchen Möbel

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[As Seen on Las Vegas Sun] The company recycles used chopsticks from restaurants and turns them into a variety of products

[As Seen on Las Vegas Sun] The company recycles used chopsticks from restaurants and turns them into a variety of products

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ChopValue Announces US Expansion in Dallas, Texas

ChopValue Announces US Expansion in Dallas, Texas

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[As Seen On BBC] ChopValue UK’s very own Tom Davies joins Sheffield United

[As Seen On BBC] ChopValue UK’s very own Tom Davies joins Sheffield United

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[As Seen on sdonoticias] La iniciativa sustentable de ChopValue y La Europea que busca dar nueva vida a miles de palitos de bambú

[As Seen on sdonoticias] La iniciativa sustentable de ChopValue y La Europea que busca dar nueva vida a miles de palitos de bambú

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[As seen on Weekly Seoul 위클리서울] 수만 개 나무젓가락이 가구로...加 스타트업 찹밸류 눈길

[As seen on Weekly Seoul 위클리서울] 수만 개 나무젓가락이 가구로...加 스타트업 찹밸류 눈길

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[As seen on PIVOT Magazine by CPA] EXTRAORDINARY ITEM STICKING OUT - How Felix Böck is hoping to save Canada’s forests, one chopstick at a time

[As seen on PIVOT Magazine by CPA] EXTRAORDINARY ITEM STICKING OUT - How Felix Böck is hoping to save Canada’s forests, one chopstick at a time

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